My name is Brad Mandell and I am a Webster, NY native, a Wiki Addict and a Rochester Wiki Contributor who jumped in to help get BufWiki started in the fall of 2008 while recovering from cancer surgery. Since then I have become BufWiki's primary contributor and a site Administrator. See also my Wikispot Page and my BufWiki Extended on

NOV 8th 2010

  On Nov 10th 2009 I received news that my melanoma cancer had reappeared in my spine and ribs. As of October 2009 I entered Stage IV, where the median survival time is 9 months and the 5-year rate is 3%. I have spent a lot of time away from Buffalo Wiki while getting my affairs in order and working on other priorities.  In November I got an MRI of my brain - happy to report I had one !! I finished 12 sittings of radiation of my spine to try and keep the cancer from putting pressure on my spinal chord. Just after Thanksgiving I started chemotherapy, Temodar - three wieeks on and one week off cycles. I finished another 1 on 3 off cycle on June 19th and when scans found the Melanoma had spread to my liver (:>(   I now taken have up temporary residence in Virginia to enter a compassionate drug program for ipilimumab.  A lot of the stuff below and elsewhere will have to rely on others as I have limited wiki time and am leaving the New York Wikis behind.  I hope others will join in and get BufWiki shaking (;>} !!! for Patients

MY HOPES for helping BufWiki


Stats History

My first 100 Edits+Creates+Files completed before midnight Nov 25, 2008. Actually more than 103, since I did a bunch under my IP Address (:>). The +n entries below account for 18 from my IP Address additions but don't count my BuffaloBob contributions - (13, 4 and 4 as of Aug 24, 2009).

Leave BufWiki specific comments here

Previous Comments:

  • Thanks for your help. It's a great feeling to see it grow thanks to your input. —DavidMonroe

You are more than welcome. I have 3220 Edits, 264 pages, and 396 files into RocWiki since July 1, 2008 while recovering from cancer surgery. Hope you can find some recovering - stay-at-homes trying to keep their minds off of the discomforts. It worked for me (:>)

  • Wow! I'm sure the RocWiki folks appreciate it. Despite my selfish reasons to have you help, I'd much rather you recover soon. :-) If you know anyone else who's interested, please forward a link. Be well. —DavidMonroe

My recovery has been going quite well - now just Physical Therapy to recover fuller use of my right shoulder and arm. They moved part of my back and back muscle up to replace a big hole in my neck Surgery Photos.

  • I need to get some graphic designers up in here to create cool award photos - cuz, you are going to get the tenacious editor award. —DavidMonroe

2008-11-26 08:01:24   Tu es en fuego! —DavidMonroe

2008-11-26 08:31:59   Sorry, I am not good with Spanish - so according to: BabelFish you said "Your it is in fire!" - they like "¡Usted se arde!" for You are on fire!! For me it is "Ich bin auf Feuer!" (:>) —BradMandell

2008-11-27 22:00:05   Great suggestions. I actually have a Google group that was started before the wiki. I'm about to go to bed, but I'll post it for you in the morning. The name is BufWiki. I know, it's a super original and surprising name. lol —DavidMonroe

2008-11-29 10:14:47   I looked at the Flickr photos, are the ones we should use:,,,,,, I'm not sure how to add multiple photos (or how many you wanted), so if you want to add them I'll elaborate in terms of captions, etc. —NancySmyth

2008-11-29 23:08:36   Away for a while - we lost our daughter today (:>( —

2008-11-30 08:02:43   Brad I'm so sorry. I have a daughter and I can't imagine what you're going through. I know you only know me through this medium, but please give your family my sincerest condolences. —DavidMonroe

2008-11-30 10:27:33   Brad, I'm so sorry about your daughter's death. My heart is with you and your family. —NancySmyth

2008-12-15 21:22:55   Brad! Welcome back. I hope you and your family are well. —DavidMonroe

2008-12-17 06:26:53   I can't even imagine what that would be like. When my grandfather died, my great-grandmother said, "He was supposed to bury me." No parent should have to bury their child. —DavidMonroe

2008-12-27 17:48:51   It's still in various articles, no matter the origin. —JabberWokky

2008-12-27 17:49:26   In fact, it was in Wegmans magazine a couple issues back. —JabberWokky

2008-12-27 17:58:24   It's also in their FAQ as question seven. Between RocWiki and Wegmans official site, I'd go with Wegmans, so I restored it and added a bit. If I can dig up the issue of Wegmans Magazine with the article, I'll add a bit more. (My wife is a big fan of Wegmans, and we have friends who worked in the cheese department). —Evan 'JabberWokky' Edwards

2008-12-27 18:13:20   Yup. That's the one. The Wegman family left it out when they switched to a corporate logo and it's been missing since. The article has some more history, including (if I remember correctly) a photo of an original sign. I think they might put the articles from their magazine on their website somewhere, but that's just a guess. —JabberWokky

2008-12-27 20:33:09   I think it's just one of those interesting little bits of trivia about a company that makes reading a community wiki a fun way to learn about the local places. I've never seen it on any blogs or any complaint about it... but the people who work in the bakery and cheese shop always joke about it. I think it's more of an interesting point of historical trivia, the kind of inside bit of information that makes a wiki more than just a business listing site. —JabberWokky

2008-12-28 20:48:21   Yes, when you get off the Thruway wave to the 290 North exit - the first one on the right. I hope you enjoy your Grandchildren. I got three books on Buffalo and the region. I think I've learned TONS since November about the community I've adopted. It's thanks to everyone's hard work. BTW, I see you've had the eye of the tiger and finished ALL the Front Page links. AMAZING! Buffalo is in your debt. :-) Be well and be safe. —DavidMonroe

2008-12-29 20:48:49   Yes, I noticed that it doesn't work on the page, but if you go to another page and open the map then zoom out, you can find all the Wegmans that you entered. *shrugs* I don't think I have access to the code itself since the wikispot folks host it and serve the code. I'll see if there's something I can do. —DavidMonroe

2008-12-31 19:35:54   What do you think about adding information from this?

2009-01-06 07:26:59   No worries Brad. I've been busy with family stuff; so, I haven't been able to do much either. Ah, the ever familiar exit to 290! I used to commute from Buffalo to Rochester for about 3 months; so, I loved seeing that exit because I was almost home. —DavidMonroe

2009-01-06 07:27:50   I noticed the Year Template AFTER I added about 7 pages of year information. lol. So, I'll go back and fix them soon. —DavidMonroe

2009-01-16 19:30:01   Two sick kids this week has taken its toll. I'm so glad it's the weekend. I expect to be BufWikiing again. It's weird, but I missed it. —DavidMonroe

2009-01-21 17:46:34   No need to apologize. I've been tied up with work and have only added a little. I have a stack of notes for more pages, but little time to add to or market the wiki. lol "only a wiki" nice. —DavidMonroe

2009-01-25 12:18:12   Brad, are you interested in being an administrator because you seem to understand the back-end of wikis better than I do. I just knew how to sign up and press some buttons. lol Let me know and I'll press some buttons till it works. ;-) —DavidMonroe

2009-01-31 10:04:36   Brad, I love the Wifi Icons. I'll start adding those to a pages. The listing that was there was cumbersome and ugly. This is so much better. —DavidMonroe

2009-02-19 18:21:20   OH GOOD! Upstate weather is worth missing right now ;-) I've been hammered with work lately, but collecting stuff to put on the wiki. Lately it's been sleep, work, repeat. lol. —DavidMonroe

2009-02-22 11:27:10   I was at Erie County Medical Center Friday and Saturday. Although I had TONS of free time, they don't have internet access. —DavidMonroe

2009-03-07 15:21:12   Hi nice to see a new face on Ithaca Wiki :) —MattHh

2009-08-25 00:21:58   The catchphrase appears in the title and a few other places, and pops up in the Google returns. I'm not sure I have the original spacer, but you might try either of the two following this comment, as they should be about right... and certainly better than what you have right now. :) —JabberWokky

2009-09-04 16:24:48   Whups. Thought I was helping a user who had uploaded an image and couldn't figure out how to post it. :) You know about the address macro and mapping ability, right? —JabberWokky

2010-01-09 16:27:04   Hi Brad, I'm away over that weekend, but I'm thinking about how we can get more people involved. It's important that more folks take ownership of this as something important for them to do. —DavidMonroe

2010-11-14 19:01:16   Brad, it's been a long time. I'm sorry to hear of the cancer and hope that you treatments have helped. My best to you from the Pawtucket Wiki...JohnSawyer aka DabucketJohn —JohnSawyer

2011-05-29 23:31:53   Today I received news that Brad passed away on May 11th, 2011. I never met him face-to-face, but I do have some understanding of him from working with him early on with BufWiki. He was optimistic, collaborative, and joyful. Even while he was struggling from cancer treatments, he managed to keep very active with this wiki and RocWiki. I am honored to have known him. —DavidMonroe